The fee of the appraiser

Fee for a publicly appointed and sworn expert

For mandates from courts I am remunerated according to the German Legal Remuneration and Compensation Act ( Gesetz über die Vergütung von Sachverständigen, Dolmetscherinnen, Dolmetschern, Übersetzerinnen und Übersetzern sowie die Entschädigung von ehrenamtlichen Richterinnen, ehrenamtlichen Richtern, Zeuginnen, Zeugen und Dritten (JVEG) )

For the determination of lending value individual contracts are concluded with the commissioning banks.

Services as a private expert

Until August 2009, the fee for an estimation of the current value of a property was aligned to the Fee Regulations for Architects and Engineers (ยง 34 HOAI). However, the general table of fees for market value assessments is not included in the HOAI anymore after the adoption of the new Fee Regulations for Architects and Engineers of 17. August 2009. Appraisers are now at liberty to freely negotiate their fees. A remuneration proposal can be made upon request at 0049 351 88889920.

The National Association of the officially appointed and sworn expert Saxon developed a table of fees which can now be reconciled.

Find more information at this link:

Honorarrichtlinie (PDF)